Welcome to Electric Scroll Author Services!

hands holding an open book with flames coming from the pages and the words 'Light the Fire of Imagination: Read a Book'

Whatever your book needs, you’ve come to the right place.

Ready for a professional edit? We have awesome editors ready to help. To save you time and money, we don’t separate our editing and confine ourselves to only a developmental edit, a copyedit, or a proof-read. We do all three types of editing in one pass, so you don’t have to hire - and pay - multiple editors. We call it a comprehensive edit.

Your story is all edited and ready to go? Fantastic! We format print books for Amazon, and eBooks for Amazon and Smashwords. We also format eBooks for you to sell from your own site.

You have an eBook or front cover but need the spine and back for print? No problem! We’ll design a spine and back to fit your book and your budget.

We do full-wrap and eBook covers as well, either from scratch, or from licensed images you provide.

In short, if you're an independent author, we can do just about anything you need, except write the book for you.

Just click on the service you're looking for to learn more!