Meet Me Midway

Meet Me Midway full cover

Guess what? More stock photos! While there's nothing wrong with using stock photos, the important thing is to make new combinations of available photos, so that while the individual parts may not be unique, the resulting cover is a distinctly individual artwork.

This book happens partly at an airport, and the resultant romantic relationship is a long-distance nightmare. One image is a nice orange sunset with a city skyline on the horizon. The map was placed on top of the sunset, and its transparency set at just barely there. The airplane silhouette was sized and placed over the sun.

The words on the back cover looked bad both in black and in the purple chosen for the titling on the front cover. In white, they disappeared against the lines and words on the map layer, so a plain orange layer was added to help the map layer be less noticable without blocking it out entirely, while giving better contrast to the words.