Formatting and Design Services

image of a book growing flowers from the pages, and the words 'Books grow from the seeds of imagination - harvest one today'

Formatting a book isn't just getting the insides ready to be printed. A formatter is a designer who carefully makes the various decisions involved in turning a manuscript into a finished and professional book.

What size will the pages be? How wide are the margins? Will the title and author name be at the top of the pages? Where will the page numbers be, and will there be pages without numbers? What font will be used for the chapter headings? Will it match the font on the cover? Will every chapter start on a right-hand page? Will there be artwork at the chapter headings? Will it be in color or greyscale? Are there other illustrations in the book? Where will they sit on the page? What company will be printing the book, and do they have particular rules for the file that should be turned in? How will the file for the cover work with the file for the interior?

Our experienced designers know the answers to these questions, and are prepared to work with you to get the book exactly right and looking professional.

Then there's the eBook. It's a completely different sort of technology and isn't supposed to be just an electronic copy of the print book. Ereader devices allow the users to change the font and the size of the font, and the ebook you sell the user needs to allow for this. Images must be kept to a minimum. Text must be reflowable. Don't even plan for it to have the same font as the book because the user may change it anyway.

We design and format print books for Amazon. We also design and format ebooks for Amazon, and for Smashwords (where you can distribute to most online platforms without having to reformat for each platform), and mobi, epub, and pdf eBooks for you to sell from your own website.

Click here for more information.

Click here to download or view a portfolio of some of the things we've done with interior formatting.